Poster Presentations of the
10th NRW Nano-Conference
Author / Institute / Company | Title | No. | Topic |
Annika Adick Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster | The nanoparticle albumin bound™ Technology: From Abraxane® to Screening Platform | 82 | Health |
Raphael Ahlmann Technische Universität Dortmund | Memristor-based gas sensors for the detection of hydrogen and oxidizing gases | 40 | Electronics |
Farzana Akther Universität Siegen | Hybrid Quantum System Based on Plasmon Coupled Diamond Nanocrystals | 14 | Quantum Technologies |
Aysha Awan Universität Siegen | Tuning the photoluminescence of porous silicon single layers using different oxidation methods | 42 | Advanced Materials |
Patrick Barthel Universität Siegen | Robust Two-Qubit Gates Using Pulsed Dynamical Decoupling | 15 | Quantum Technologies |
Tim Robertino Baumann Universität Bielefeld | Investigation in µ-filtration for water purification | 94 | Miscellaneous |
Malte Becher Ruhr-Universität Bochum | Ultrashort pulse Laser processing of 2D materials | 34 | Electronics |
Sarah Emily Beck Technische Universität Dortmund | Spectroscopic ellipsometry analysis of PVD- and CVD-Silicon thin-films as an indication for electron mobility | 41 | Advanced Materials |
Yannick Beckmann Universität Duisburg-Essen | Scalable Photodetectors Based on Directly Grown 2D Material Heterostructures | 43 | Advanced Materials |
Jannis Bensmann Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster | Nanoimprint lithography for creating inhomogeneous strain profiles in 2D materials | 44 | Advanced Materials |
Omkar Bhalerao AMO GmbH | Plasmonic Mach-Zehnder Interferometers Based On SU-8 Waveguides | 95 | Miscellaneous |
Leonard Böhm Westfälische Hochschule Gelsenkirchen | Finding Ni-Mo: Electrodeposition of Ni-Mo catalysts with optimized composition for hydrogen evolution reaction in AEN`M-electrolysis | 02 | Energy |
Marco Brand Westfälische Hochschule Gelsenkirchen Bocholt Recklinghausen | Microstructure and corrosion behavior of stainless steel (316L) additively manufactured by Directed Energy Deposition-Arc | 45 | Advanced Materials |
Tristan Brückner Fraunhofer-Institut für Schicht- und Oberflächentechnik IST | Self-Organizing Ti-Si-B-C-N Nanocomposite Multiphase Coatings for Wear Reduction | 46 | Advanced Materials |
Benjamin Bürger Universität Siegen | An ion-trap chip with integrated elements for a scalable quantum processor | 16 | Quantum Technologies |
Maximilian Cieluch Westfälische Hochschule Gelsenkirchen | In-situ characterisation of electrodeposited catalyst-coated substrates and glass fibre reinforced PFSA/ssPS composite membranes as membrane-electrode-assemblies for PEMWE | 03 | Energy |
Nicola Cusick Universität Siegen | Smart stealth nanocarriers encapsulating photosensitizers for targeted antibacterial activity in wound dressings | 83 | Health |
Tamara Czerny Universität Duisburg-Essen | Narrowband Photoconductivity through the Excitonic Resonance in 2D Perovskites | 35 | Electronics |
Dr. Jörg Debus Technische Universität Dortmund | Structural-chemical analysis of the transfer material at 100Cr6 surfaces tribologically worn against element-modified MoS2 films | 80 | Advanced Materials |
Dr. Jörg Debus Technische Universität Dortmund | Tribologically induced changes in the molecular structure of simulated human body fluid at hip-implant taper junctions | 81 | Health |
Julia Demmer Hochschule Niederrhein | Quantum dot-based electro-luminescent textiles | 36 | Electronics |
Robert Epkenhans Universität Bielefeld | Measuring of nonlinear electrophoresis with alternating voltages | 84 | Health |
Elham Esteki Universität Siegen | Dressed 171Yb+ Hyperfine Qubits in a Multi-layer Planar Ion Trap | 17 | Quantum Technologies |
Ardeshir Esteki RWTH Aachen University | Damage-free deposition of AlON high-κ dielectrics on graphene by plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition | 37 | Electronics |
Dr. Assegid Flatae Universität Siegen | Vector Magnetometry Based on Polarimetric Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance | 18 | Quantum Technologies |
Paolo Fortugno Universität Duisburg-Essen | Novel aerosol-based approach towards mesoporous silica nanoparticles | 96 | Miscellaneous |
Vanessa Frettlöh gemeinnützige KIMW Forschungs-GmbH | Process-integrated and sustainable deposit, wear and corrosion protection of tool surfaces in plastics processing by CVD coatings | 47 | Advanced Materials |
Jonas Frühling Fraunhofer-Institut für Lasertechnik ILT | Laser-based crystallization of yttrium-doped barium zirconate for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells | 04 | Energy |
Sandra Gellner Hochschule Niederrhein | Colour variation of Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells by Implementation of Quantum Dots | 19 | Quantum Technologies |
Lars Gierschner Hochschule Niederrhein | Wearable healthcare sensor-system for the treatment of patients with Diabetic Foot Syndrome | 38 | Electronics |
Timo Gräßer Technische Universität Dortmund | Simulating infinite temperature spin dynamics by a dynamic mean-field theory | 20 | Quantum Technologies |
Dr. Alex Greilich Technische Universität Dortmund | Spin noise spectroscopy | 21 | Quantum Technologies |
Michael Gutnikov Technische Universität Dortmund | Angle-resolved photoemission study of organic molecules on 2D antiferromagnetic metal phosphorus trisulfides | 48 | Advanced Materials |
Patrick Häuser Universität Duisburg-Essen | FIB/TEM of a freestanding GaN Nanowire grown by Polarity- and Site-Controlled Growth | 49 | Advanced Materials |
Jacqueline Hausherr Universitätsklinikum Essen AöR | Using a perfluoro decalin nanoemulsion in a cardiomyocyte in vitro model of ischemia-reperfusion injury | 85 | Health |
Andreas Heller FH Münster | Sim-to-Real transition for estimating agitation Efficiencies of Biogas Plants | 05 | Energy |
Sarah Hester Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster | Triglyceride-filled albumin nanocapsules: A new possibility to formulate poorly water-soluble drug candidates | 86 | Health |
Renée Hoffmann Universität Siegen | Thermally triggered cell deatchment from end-group functionalised thermoresponsive polymer brushes | 50 | Advanced Materials |
Patrick Huber Universität Siegen | A quantum perceptron gate and a classical Toffoli gate with microwave-driven trapped ions | 22 | Quantum Technologies |
Tim Hülser Institut für Energie und Umwelttechnik e.V. (IUTA) | Laser generated surface oxidized iridium nanoparticles decorated on Boron-doped silicon ultrasonically deposited on titanium substrate as electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction | 51 | Advanced Materials |
Julia Jagosz Ruhr-Universität Bochum | Wafer-scale growth of polycrystalline MoS2 by low-temperature PEALD on SiO2/Si and glass | 52 | Advanced Materials |
Vikas Jangra RWTH Aachen University | Laser Induced Reduction of the Metal-Graphene Contact Resistivity | 97 | Miscellaneous |
Kawaljit Kaur Universität Siegen | Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy with Ru(II)-based nanocarriers for eradication of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria | 87 | Health |
Umut Kaya Universität Duisburg-Essen | PECVD-grown graphene as transparent conductive electrode in Nitride-Based UV-LEDs | 53 | Advanced Materials |
Sana Khan AMO GmbH | Understanding Charge/Energy Dynamics from Halide Perovskite nanocubes/Semiconductor Heterostructures | 06 | Energy |
Evelyn Kimmerle RWTH Aachen University | Exploring Photonic Quantum Computing | 23 | Quantum Technologies |
Julia Kölbel Elmos Semiconductor SE | Semiconductor-based Quantum Random Number Generator | 24 | Quantum Technologies |
Florian Köppen Universität Siegen | Towards solving Computer Vision optimisation problems on an ion-trap-based quantum computer | 25 | Quantum Technologies |
Robin Kress Universität Duisburg-Essen | THz-Antennas for InP RTD-Emitters | 39 | Electronics |
Jan Lino Kricke Bergische Universität Wuppertal | Uniaxial Assembly of FeNi Nanoparticles Enables Miniaturized Magnetic Actuators by Vat Photopolymerization | 54 | Advanced Materials |
Benedikt Kruse Universität Duisburg-Essen | Synthesis and cytotoxicity of doxorubicin-functionalized ultrasmall gold nanoparticles | 88 | Health |
Dr. Yurii Kutovyi Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH | Shadow-wall epitaxy for all-in-situ fabrication of compound-semiconductor-based nanodevices | 26 | Quantum Technologies |
Jimin Lee RWTH Aachen University | Co-planar Stripline Based On-Chip Terahertz Sensor With Interchangeable Substrates for Two-Dimensional Material Analysis | 55 | Advanced Materials |
Andre Löchte FH Münster | Electrochemical Model of a Rechargeable Zinc-Air Cell | 01 | Energy |
Viktor Mackert ZBT – Zentrum für Brennstoffzellentechnik GmbH | Effects of frost exposure on nano- and microstructure of the membrane-electrode assembly in PEM Fuel Cells | 56 | Advanced Materials |
Jan Meier Interzero Plastics Recycling | Gasification of packaging waste residues as an alternative to incineration – An insight from the waste management industry | 07 | Energy |
Dr. Steffen Michaelis Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster | Ultra-low-fluorescence 3D-printed microlenses for efficient narrow-beam single-photon sources | 27 | Quantum Technologies |
Dr. Maryam Mohammadi AMO GmbH | Toward single photon sources based on 2D metal-organic chalcogenolates (MOCs) | 57 | Advanced Materials |
Paul Valerian Möllers Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster | Chirality-Induced Electron Spin Polarization in Chiral CuO and CoO | 08 | Energy |
Dr. David Mueller Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH | Shining light on deposition processes of functional materials | 58 | Advanced Materials |
Ann-Kathrin Müller RWTH Aachen University | Building a heterogeneous quantum network | 28 | Quantum Technologies |
Henrik Myja Universität Duisburg-Essen | Scalable light emitting devices based on MOCVD grown WS2 monolayers | 59 | Advanced Materials |
Babita Negi RWTH Aachen University | Temperature dependent optoelectronic properties of two-dimensional MoS2 based photodetectors | 60 | Advanced Materials |
Nour Negm AMO GmbH | Waveguide-integrated thermal infrared Graphene emitter | 61 | Advanced Materials |
Dr. Viraj Nirwan Hochschule Rhein-Waal | Quantum dots templated hybrid nanofibers fabricated via electrospinning | 62 | Advanced Materials |
Fabian Nocke University Hospital Essen | A new stable emulsion with a mixed shell composition for oxygen delivery | 89 | Health |
Markus Nünnerich Universität Siegen | Cooling 171Yb+- ions in a magnetic field gradient with magnetic field offsets | 29 | Quantum Technologies |
Simon Öchsner TH Köln | Development of Electrophotography based 3D printing Process | 63 | Advanced Materials |
Shayan Parhizkar AMO GmbH | 2D Platinum Diselenide for Integrated Optoelectronics | 64 | Advanced Materials |
Hemangi Patel Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt | Carbon aerogels for battery applications | 65 | Advanced Materials |
Marina Penzel Universitätsklinikum Essen | Optimization of the stability of an albumin-based perfluorocarbon emulsion by changing the synthesis parameters | 90 | Health |
Agata Piacentini AMO GmbH | Stable Al2O3 encapsulation of MoS2-FETs enabled by CVD grown h-BN | 66 | Advanced Materials |
Dr. Apurba Ray Institute of Materials Research, German Aerospace Center (DLR) | All-Solid Supercapacitors for Aerospace and Aircraft applications | 09 | Energy |
Christopher Rojas CNM Technologies GmbH | Improving metal anode batteries performance by anode and separator interfaces modification with Carbon Nanomembranes | 10 | Energy |
Dr. Elena Rozas Technische Universität Dortmund | Exploring quantum coherence dynamics in polariton condensates | 30 | Quantum Technologies |
Jasper Ruhkopf AMO GmbH | Graphene diffusion barrier for direct methanol fuel cells | 67 | Advanced Materials |
Dr. Alessandra Scano University of Cagliari | A high-effective microbicidal coating to control the indirect microbial transmission | 68 | Advanced Materials |
Robert Schmidt Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster | Dark exciton anti-funneling in inhomogeneously strained monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides | 69 | Advanced Materials |
Dr.-Ing. Philip Schmitt Ruhr-Universität Bochum | Self-sufficient measurement acquisition chains with non-volatile analog memories for condition monitoring applications | 98 | Miscellaneous |
Thomas Schneiders Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen University | Improving the adhesion of polymer nanofibres to nitinol for stent applications | 91 | Health |
Joshua Schumacher Universität Siegen | Synthesis and characterization of a polymer brush prodrug system | 70 | Advanced Materials |
Hendrik Siebeneich Universität Siegen | Segmented multi-ion trap for transportable optical clock | 31 | Quantum Technologies |
Radhakant Singh AMO GmbH | Aluminium Nitride Waveguides for Integrated Photonics | 32 | Quantum Technologies |
Leon Spee Universität Duisburg-Essen | Photo-Gating induced Highly Responsive 2D/2D TMDC/Perovskite photodetector | 71 | Advanced Materials |
Kai Steffens Universität zu Köln | Flexible Hybrid Silica-Aerogels: Studying the Influences of Different Geometries and Shapes | 72 | Advanced Materials |
Maximilian Steinhorst Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkstoff- und Strahltechnik IWS | Effect of interlayer thickness on the properties of carbon-based coatings for metallic bipolar plates | 73 | Advanced Materials |
Jan-Eric Sydow University Hospital Essen, University of Duisburg-Essen | Interactions between artificial oxygen carriers and erythrocytes | 92 | Health |
Linda Tchuendem Institut für Physiologie, IG 1 | Do primary human macrophages (PHM) and murine J774 macrophages interact differently with albumin-derived perfluorocarbon-based artificial oxygen carriers (A −AOCs)? | 93 | Health |
Tobias Tertel Universitätsklinikum Essen | Single EV analysis by imaging flow cytometry and identification of new biomarkers | 99 | Miscellaneous |
Naghmeh Torabi RWTH Aachen University | Enhancing Graphene-Based Detection through a Planar Antenna | 74 | Advanced Materials |
Lukas Völkel RWTH Aachen University | 2D Hexagonal Boron Nitride Threshold Memristors with Nickel Electrodes | 75 | Advanced Materials |
Dr. Richard von Goetze Interzero Plastics Recycling | Sortierung für Chemisches Recycling von LVP Resten | 76 | Advanced Materials |
Timo Wagner Universität Duisburg-Essen | Changing surface morphology and chemistry by scalable atmospheric pressure plasma treatment | 12 | Energy |
Leander Willeke Ruhr-Universität Bochum | Low-temperature ALD and ALE processes for advanced integration of 2D materials in an industrial scale | 77 | Advanced Materials |
Felix Winters FH Münster | Electrochemical Model of a Rechargeable Zinc-Air Cell | 13 | Energy |
Aydan Yadigarli Universität Siegen | Adsorption Differences of Organic Molecules on the Metal Oxide Surfaces | 78 | Advanced Materials |
Pedram Yaghoubi Universität Siegen | Sympathetic Cooling of Ytterbium Ions Using Sub-Doppler Cooled Barium Ions in a Micro-Structured Segmented Linear Paul Trap | 33 | Quantum Technologies |
Dr. Zhen Yao University of Bielefeld | Carbon nanomembranes fabricated from amorphous molecular layers | 79 | Advanced Materials |