Call for Posters

As usual and starting with a “Call for Posters”, the NRW Nano Conference has very special program items in store for young scientists, especially Bachelor’s and Master’s students and doctoral candidates: Young academics have the opportunity to present their innovative ideas, projects results and scientific findings in the form of a poster at the 11th NRW Nano Conference to a large expert community. The application is open now and ends on 30th April 2025.
The conference language is English. The submissions will be reviewed by the NMWP.NRW state cluster for thematic suitability and scientific content. We cannot guarantee the placement of all posters and will not accept any promotional posters.
The deadline for the submission of posters is 30th April 2025.
Applicants with an accepted poster will receive discounted admission to the conference. Please do not register to the conference until you receive a feedback on your poster contribution as you will get a special discount code as your poster is accepted.
The “Call for Posters” of the NRW Nano Conference is open to contributions from the complete field of nanotechnology, advanced materials and the respective application fields. Taking all contributions into account, conference sessions will be formed according to the thus indicated major fields of interest.
Apply for a poster presentation today!
The only accepted poster format is DIN A0 (portrait). Please use our template to structure the mandatory abstract (available as .docx only: Guidelines for writing an abstract). We are looking forward to your submission!